

Schiatti è uno storico brand che da oltre mezzo secolo produce capi in pelle di lusso.

Morbida nappa con foderature in visone, montone morbido con colli in pelliccia, pelle di cervo e renna, difficile da trovare e simbolo del brand, usato per cappotti, giacconi, giubbini e giacche.

Abbigliamento esclusivo e inconfondibile, dalle linee semplici e di qualità, in grado di durare nel tempo senza mai perdere il proprio valore.

© Images copyright: Schiatti and rightful owners.

Boutiques Schiatti

Degand Tailleur
Degand Tailleur
La Maison Degand has been for 30 years a point of reference for menswear. It is located in Avenue Louise, one of the most beautiful Brussels’ streets, the perfect place for elegant and refined shopping experience. Quality and service, research and beauty, passion and uniqueness; th [...]
Sanahunt is a luxury concept store located in the center of Kiev. It was opened in 1994, and it is located inside a building of the early '900, with an area of ​​7000 sqm. The predominantly black and white interior design with glass elements, presents  over 100 of the most famous [...]