Ftc Cashmere Children stores


Ftc Cashmere is a German brand that focuses on production of cashmere creating sweaters and accessories for men and women.

The Ftc acronym stands for "cashmere fair."

The brand was inaugurated in 2003 from the mind of Jutta and Andreas Knezovic; Ftc is a quality brand, focusing on human costs, according to a sustainable economic development.

The primary goal is to produce ethical and quality cashmere collections.

All Ftc garments are designed and created against human exploitation to safeguard both the individual and Earth resources.

Workers and farmers work in partnership with the whole company, following healthy, environmental and moral values.

Therefore Ftc Cashmere is not only a fashionable product but also ethical goods, following a transparent pricing policy and an efficient and innovative production.

Apparel highlights precious classic knitwear made of the best cashmere in an admirable way: soft yarn in plain or thin strips, classic turtlenecks embellished with zip or buttons.

In addition, scarves and capes have become the first choice of buyers thanks to a comfortable fit, silky and charming texture.

© Images copyright: Ftc Cashmere and rightful owners.

Ftc Cashmere Children
