Briglia 1949


L’attenzione al particolare è uno dei valori più importanti di Briglia 1949, brand campano di pantaloni da uomo.

Tradizione sartoriale italiana da una parte e innovazione d’oltreoceano dall’altra per capi rivolti al gentleman contemporaneo.

© Images copyright: Briglia 1949 and rightful owners.


Boutiques Briglia 1949

Andriani Uomo
Andriani Uomo Histores
Andriani boasts in Taranto, Apulia Region, two different clothing boutiques facing each other on central Via Palma in the heart of the city, one dedicated to menswear at number 130, and the other for womenswear at the number 107. From the early '90s, these boutiques represent a local shopping [...]
Anmapet inaugura il suo primo store nel Dicembre 1981 diventando fin da subito punto di riferimento nella penisola Salentina nel settore Sportswear e Active.  L’Azienda in continua e costante evoluzione vede nel Marzo del 2018 la nascita di un nuovo esclusivo building. Uno store di oltr [...]
Caneppele Histores
During Caneppele boutique's story, nothing happened by chance. A story made out of passion, sacrifice, and intuition. Mario's parents met, liked each other, and engaged at work, in the largest clothing store in the city, the Niccolini. Back in the days, during th [...]
Capuzzi is an historic boutique located in Via Selva Piana in Casoli, near Chieti, that offers clothing, shoes and accessories for men and women. A bright and modern showroom where clients can find classic items as well as sportswear, from Moncler to Etro, from Herno to Corneliani, from F [...]
Cillo boutique is an historic shopping point located in Via Trento Trieste in the city of Formigine, Modena province. In this classic and elegant store clients can find apparel, shoes and accessories from many famous brand s such as Dondup, Hogan, Pinko, Church's, C.P Compa [...]
Cosentino was founded in Cesena in 1985; the store, 100 sqm and six huge windows overlooking the central city, has soon become an important retail in the heart of the city. The store has become a reference for fashion in the entire Region, thanks to a selection of avant-garde and luxury brands [...]
Cumini Moda
The Best Shops
Cumini Moda The Best Shops
  Cumini Moda is an elegant boutique, sportswear chic for men and women, footwear and accessories. The store, part of the Cumini Group, is located in Gemona del Friuli, via San Daniele 3.   
Cupertino Histores
Grown up inside his father's shoemaker workhop during 40's, mister Leonardo Cupertino decided to open a small footwear shop which soon expanded in a bigger boutique featuring womenswear and menswear.  Today Pierpaolo Cupertino carries on the family tradition with the same p [...]
Duepistudio Uomo
Duepistudio Uomo
Tutto inizia nel 1976 quando Pino Palermo, dopo aver maturato un’esperienza sartoriale decide di aprire il suo primo negozio uomo: 2P Confezioni Nel 1982, l'attività si trasferisce in quella che tutt'ora è la sede. Dal 1998 al timone delll'azienda ci sono Sergio  [...]
Felloni Studio
Felloni Studio